-With clean hands, take the medicine as prescribed by your healthcare provider, and pour it into the medicine cup.
-Attach the top piece to the medicine cup, and then the mouthpiece or mask.
-Connect the tubing from the compressor 29 00:01:24,00 –> 00:01:25,50 to the medicine cup.
-Put the mask over your face or put the mouthpiece in your mouth between your teeth, and close your lips tightly around it.
-Turn on your compressor.
-Hold the nebulizer in an upright position to prevent spilling and to ensure the medication is correctly distributed.
-Take normal regular breaths in through your mouth so that the medicine can go deep into your lungs.
-Continue until all of the medicine is gone from the cup.
Learn how to use a nebulizer for COPD or asthma. Pour medicine, attach parts, breathe in mist. Check for more info.
Timestamped Highlights
00:00:45 💨 Parts of a nebulizer
00:01:10 💊 Pour medicine into cup
00:01:25 🤲 Attach parts and turn on compressor
00:01:40 🫁 Breathe in mist with mouthpiece or mask
00:02:05 🧼 Clean and care for nebulizer at
Key Insights
– 💡 Nebulizers are essential for those with lung diseases who struggle with inhalers or deep inhalation.
– 💡 Five basic parts: medicine cup, top piece, tubing, compressor, and power source.
– 💡 Proper technique involves upright positioning, tight mouth seal, and regular breathing to ensure medication reaches the lungs effectively.
– 💡 Regular cleaning and maintenance of the nebulizer is crucial for optimal performance and health.
– 💡 Consult with healthcare providers to determine the best nebulizer type and medication for individual needs.